jueves, 21 de mayo de 2015

Do you know Emmett Till?

Emmett Till was born in 1941 and he lived in Chicago with his mother Mamie Cathan (1921-2003)

Emmett was a normal teenager of 14 year old when he traveled to Mississippi to visit your uncle Moses Wright, but his mother warned that region was very dangerous for a Afro-American and if necessary he should kneel in front a White-American to avoid trouble.

Three days after that Till arrived Mississippi, he with his friends went to buy to the store of Roy Bryant and his wife Carolyn, both were White-Americans. She was 21 year old and supposedly Emmett made a whistle of admiration to her.

During his funeral, the coffin remained open so that
everyone could witness the slaughter. 
Four days after, Roy and his half-brother Big J.W. Milam went to Moses’ house and took Emmett. Hours after, Emmett’s relatives found the young in the river bank, but almost they could not recognize him. He didn't have one eye, he was shot in the ear with a revolver, they attacked him with an ax and he was tied with a barbed wire.

Although everyone knew who they were the culprit, Bryant and Milam felt immune and confident because these things always happened.

Finally, a jury (all were White-Americans) deliberated that the defendants were not guilty of murder and nobody paid for the murder of Emmett.

After a time (the January 24, 1956) Bryant and Milam confessed to the crime in detail to Look magazine, but still were not blamed for the crime.

Milam died in 1980 and Bryant in 1990, the two lived the rest of their days without seeing the inside of a prison and the Emmett’s mother died at 81 year old without seeing justice for his son.

Today Emmett Till is still a landmark in the struggle for human rights.

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