viernes, 22 de mayo de 2015

The Queen (not so) Virgin?

Hi guys ! In this entry I want to talk a little bit more about the life of Queen          Elizabeth I, better known as "The Virgin Queen". We know that when we think of this queen comes to mind a  cold, determined and imposing woman, a woman who didn’t hesitate to make decisions, she possessed a practical spirit, which    enabled him to manage policy for many years, but not everything in life is I will talk a little about the "lovers" of this woman ! 

Although Elizabeth never got married her love life gave way to several movies   about it, we knew several names of men who made it to his heart and                 coincidence or not...most of their   lives ended in misfortune.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Thomas Seymour, surely, Thomas was the first love of Elizabeth, this young man became his playmate, but his life ended when he was beheaded after being discovered in conspiracy to marry her and reach the throne.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Robert Dudley she met him when both were imprisoned in the Tower of London, the chemistry was evident but they only had one problem...the wife of Robert...that mysteriously died after falling down stairs                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           The Earl of Essex he was the great love of Elizabeth and although he also conspired against it to overthrow it, she didn't comply with the law of that time it had condemned to die beheaded



So...if you think in all these loves that she had and how they ended their would be nice nicknamed "The Virgin Queen"?

Maori tattoo legend:  "Mataora and Niwareka"

If we search pictures of Maori people we will see that having “tattoos” in their bodies and most of the time in their faces is something common in their culture, but actually we don’t know the real meaning of them or how important they are for this indigenous from New Zeland.

The Maori people consider that the most important part of the body was the head, that's the reason why we see that the most common was the facial tatto. The special name for this tattoos is "Moko" and everyone of them has a special message, the wearers used them to tell their own stories, women used it in the chin to say that they were bound to a warrior. "Moko" also represented their social structures

A local legend can explain the origin of Maori’s Tattoos. This story says that “Ta Moko” or “Moko”came from the underworld, called Uetonga. A young warrior called Mataora fell in love with the princess of the underworld, Niwareka. One day she came to the earth just to marry him, while they were together Mataora mistreated his wife, so she decided to come back to the underworld. Mataora felt really bad and guilt about what he did, so he decided to follow Niwareka to the underworld to apologize and see her family. Before going to find her he painted his face hoping one day he could get Niwareka's love back. After some days he found Niwareka and her relatives laughed because of Mataora’s appearance, his faces was smudged painted.

So finally she and her family accepted his apologies and Mataora got her love back, before coming back to the earth the king of the underworld, Niwareka’s father taught him the art of “Moko” and then Mataora taught this art to everyone on earth, that’s the Maori’s legend that explain the origin, meaning and the story behind of the tattoos 

Here's a video where you can see The legend of Mataora and Niwareka :

jueves, 21 de mayo de 2015

We May Be Together, But We’re Not Birds of a Feather

Malcolm X. His original name was Malcolm Little Norton, but he dropped this "slave name" Little and adopted the initial X when he became a member of the Nation of Islam (NOI). Which then, gain in rank, was called El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz. And the aim of this sect was not the inclusion or integration of Afro-American Blacks, but rather it was forming a segregation of these same in USA.
Parallel to this sect, also was the American Nazi Party, founded and led by George Lincoln Rockwell, self-proclaimed American Hitler. The aim of this group was completely divide blacks from whites, forming an America for white people.
Both groups, in spite of being very different, wanted something in common: America divided. And it is there that begins this kind of relationship towards the same objective.
June 25, 1961 in Washington, George Lincoln Rockwell at a rally of the Nation of Islam
Malcolm X personally invited Rockwell to the rally, in which also spoke Elijah Muhammad. Once, to an audience of 5,000 devotees from the Nation of Islam, he said: "Proud to be here to the black men. Elijah Muhammad is the Adolf Hitler of the black man". Rockwell admired both, due to the intransigence with they preached racial separation. "They, like me, want separate nations: one for whites and one for blacks," he said in an interview for Playboy magazine. 
February 25, 1962. Picture of a rally in Chicago
Malcolm X also had meetings with the Ku Klux Klan with the same objective: boycott the integrationism. He promoted hatred of the white man and considered them unable to overcome their prejudices. He denigrated Martin Luther King and other pacifists black leaders by the naivete of dreaming with a society in which civil rights will recognized to citizens of any race. He preached that the only dignified black was revolutionary.
So how is that he has been glorified when history has shown that he was wrong? What do you think about him and his practices?